Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics Statement


The Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy (JHAP) is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in its reviewing process and in the content it publishes. This statement describes the principles to which JHAP adheres.


JHAP adheres to the following principles and expects articles published in it to uphold the same standards: honesty and transparency in all respects of research and communication; respect for participants and subjects of research; inclusiveness; excellence and meticulousness in research and citation practice.

Any suspected violations of the guidelines set out in this Publication Ethics Statement may be reported to any of the editors ( or the publisher McMaster University Library Press (MULPress) via

Peer-Review Process

Submissions to JHAP, with the exception of reviews, are refereed anonymously by external experts in the field of the submission. The reviewing process is handled by a member of the editorial board ( The system we use is doubly-anonymous, in that authors’ names are not shared with peer reviewers, and peer reviewers’ names are not shared with authors. The peer-reviewing process is aimed at improving the quality of the submission, including, but not restricted to, pointing out flaws in the argumentation, relevant information that is neglected, and relevant work that is not cited. The editors’ decision regarding the publication of submitted manuscripts is based on these peer reviews and subject to the highest standards of objectivity. All submissions are treated confidentially. Reviewers are required to declare any conflict of interest.

Authorship and Authors’ Responsibilities

All and only persons who have contributed substantially to an article should be listed as an author. Authors take responsibility for the content of their articles and are accountable for all aspects of the work. Authors are obliged to participate in the peer reviewing process and to provide a list of references and, where applicable, an acknowledgement of financial support. Authors are responsible for securing the rights for the reproduction of any substantial amounts of text reproduced or translated and for any illustrations. Authors are obliged to provide retractions and corrections of factual mistakes. The research published must be original and not previously published elsewhere. Submissions must not be under review elsewhere for the duration of the reviewing process. Authors are responsible for ensuring that the article accords with professional standards. By default, the editors will take the corresponding author to have the authority to act on behalf of all authors.


We understand “plagiarism” as submitting as one’s own work anything that derives from the research or ideas of others, entirely or in part, intentionally or unintentionally, without proper acknowledgement of the originator according to professional standards. Examples of plagiarism include, but are not restricted to: quoting or paraphrasing another person’s work without proper acknowledgement of the source, using someone else’s ideas without proper acknowledgement of the originator, submitting someone else’s work as part of one’s article without explicit permission and proper acknowledgement. Articles should acknowledge any substantial help received in any respect, including language and style of the writing.

JHAP does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. We reserve the right to check any submission with plagiarism checking tools. Submission containing parts that are suspected of plagiarism will be rejected. In no event will the editors of JHAP encourage or knowingly allow plagiarism or other forms of professional misconduct. If plagiarism or evidence of professional misconduct is discovered in an article after its publication, the published article will be retracted and the retraction made public. We ask our readers and reviewers to report any suspicion of plagiarism or professional misconduct to the editors (

Open Access Policy and Copyright

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. The copyright for published articles remains with the authors.


JHAP's published content is archived using CLOCKSS and OLRC (Ontario Library Research Cloud).


No fees are charged to authors for submission or publication of their works.


Revision adopted August 19, 2020